The smell and taste of heaven!
Moqueca is a typical Brazilian dish from the state of Bahia. It’s usually made with seafood, but this vegan version uses ripe plantains instead. It is normally cooked in a clay/paella pan, but if you don’t have one, a wok is perfect (I used my wok).
NOTE: Palm oil is ESSENTIAL for the real taste of Moqueca.
4 ripe plantains
(DE: Koch Banane, Sie bekommen die frisch oft in asiatischen oder afrikanischen Lebensmittelläden)
3 TBS olive oil
2 limes
1 onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves
1 pinch of salt
2 tomatoes, chopped
2 TBS palm oil
(DE: Palmöl)
1 cup coconut milk
Fresh coriander leaves
(DE: Frische Korianderblätter)
¼ cup green pepper, sliced in rounds
Pepper (optional)
Himalayan salt (or sea salt)
More onions and tomatoes in round slices to top, to taste
Heat a big pan (or wok). Start peeling the plantains -- they have a hard peel, you have to learn how to properly peel them (a nice step-by-step here).
Then cut plantains in half then again in half lengthwise, to remind fish fillets (4 “filets” per banana). Season with lime, salt and garlic.
Sauté the onion, tomato and pepper with olive oil and a pinch of salt. Next, add plantains on top, layering them as a fish filet, being careful so they don’t break apart.
Add more onions and tomatoes in round slices, coriander leaves and coconut milk. Cover the pan and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Lastly, pour the palm oil and mix
Bela Gil
Recipe (in Portuguese):