I am in love with sprouted buckwheat, it’s my favorite “raw” flour now.
It’s totally gluten-free, an excellent source of fiber, vitamins and minerals, but yet low in calories and in fat. After sprouting, its much easily digestible. Perfect for raw desserts when you want to cut some calories from the typical nut flours used (such as almond flour). I also sprout raw oats the same way, but be aware that, if you’re celiac, be sure your oats are gluten-free.
1) Please be sure to have them sprouted if using it in raw desserts! Just processing the raw groats into flour won’t make them easily digestible and can cause you problems.
2) Be sure to buy raw and organic groats. If they aren't raw they will not sprout. So, roasted or processed brands will not work.
Step 1:

Rinse buckwheat groats thoroughly with cold water.
Step 2:

Soak groats in water for 30 minutes.
Step 3:

Rinse the groats again removing all the stickiness that might have arise from the groats. Throw away any groats floating in water (if they float, they are not good). Transfer them to a colander/mesh strainer to start the sprouting process. Cover with a cloth to protect from insects and keep them in a bright and well-ventilated spot, but away from direct light.
Step 4:

Rinse groats at least twice a day (in hotter days or countries you can do it up to 4 times), always leaving them sprouting as on Step 3. They should never get too dry, otherwise the sprouting will be interrupted.
Step 5:

After 2 days, they will germinate and sprouts will show up. You can stop the process immediately and dehydrate or do it for another day or two, when sprouts are longer (I usually let them sprout for 3 days in total).
Step 6:
Rinse again the sprouted groats and dehydrate for 4-5 hours at 46˚C or until completely dry.
Step 7:

When groats are dry, let them cool and process into flour. You’re done! Store the flour in the fridge.
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