I was crazy to try this one but thought it was a little too much work (it is). But in the end I was glad I tried it, it was amazing.
My tips/notes:
1) I didn't have coconut meat nor cashews enough for the filling, so I used shredded coconut flakes softened in water. It never blended as it should and therefore the results were not perfect. I'll just refill my pantry with cashew butter and try it next time with it (no coconut meat available here and also no vitamix in the house to blend cashews well hehe).
2) Best is to make the crust and THEN the caramel, you really have to get organized! Leave the filling for later, since the caramel will have to be mixed to the 2 parts of filling.

3) Store in the freezer in slices, so you don't have to thaw the cake everytime you're eating it. It's not visually glamourous this way, but if you're not serving it immediately, better do so.
Fragrant Vanilla Cake