It’s been quite
some time since I started making my own milk.
I love a good fresh nut milk.
It's super easy. Just two basic ingredients:
nuts and water. You can use almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts… anything you have at
3 cups hot water (not boiling)
1 cup almonds (no need to peel)
What you’ll need:
1 blender
1 nut milk bag (or a peace of some lightweight fabric, like voile)
1 bowl
1 – Soak the almonds in water for at least 8
hours. Change the water at least twice.
2 – Heat 3 cups of filtered/fresh water.
4 – Pour the 3 cups and the soaked almonds in a
5 – Blend them for ca. 3 minutes. Remember to
stop from time to time so that you don’t overheat the blender!
6 – Place a nut milk bag over a bowl
and pour the milk. Squeeze the bag to get all the liquid.
7 – Add the sweetener of your choice (skip this if you're baking or doing something else with the milk); maybe
some vanilla extract or cinnamon -- and ENJOY!
- Instead of nuts, use shredded
coconut and make a delicious homemade coconut milk! (But then skip soaking process)
- Busy or lazy? Use 1 cup of raw
organic almond butter + 1 cup warm water and blend J
The remaining pulp has its uses, so don’t
throw it out. Here are a few ideas for what to do with it:
• Add it to pancake, muffin, or cake batter
• Add it to cake frosting
• Add it to pudding
• Add it to oatmeal
• Add it to a smoothie
• Spread it on toast with a drizzle of honey
• Dry it out in the oven and use it as breadcrumbs for breading things like
I personally only use nut milks in raw recipes, they somehow curdle when
heated. For recipes that demand boiling or baking, I prefer coconut milk.